Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Tonight September 2 nd Tuesday 

Intercessors the Will to war!!

The difference when speaking in Toungues!! Topic discussion: then praying into the Gate

Friday, August 23, 2019

7 mountains/ to pray into

The Kingdom of God is huge according to Lance Wallnau .

He breaks it down to 

7 Mountains that have powerful influence, over nations. 

1. Church/ Religion



4. Arts



7.Buisniess / Finance

If the churches would rise and take the Mountains , we can Change a nation and make disciples...

But for Generations we focused only on one Mountain Church/Religion  

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Every Tuesday: New Location

New Location 

Every Tuesday 


Hope prayer Room

1122 E 51st Street , Austin Tx, 78723