Wednesday, June 29, 2016

"The Power of Declarations"

 Class this Wednesday at 7pm

What are Declaration prayers ? Are they Effective ? 
Can it help me in my Life?  Understanding and operating in the Authority in the name of Jesus Christ.

I will be teaching this Wednesday Night,
 It will be Powerful and Very informative 

Join us....

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

"Spiritual Integrity"

This Wed Night Class is going to be Awesome!!! Terry and Paul Bell , two awesome Intercessors who have served in the PromiseLand Church for over Twenty Years will be teaching us about spiritual Integrity 

Class starts promptly 7pm in the PromiseLand Theatre


Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Warfare Intercessory Classes

Tomorrow 7pm in the Promiseland Theater , Wed June1st, come Join our Nazarite Classes! Spiritual Warfare Class .102

-Do you feel Like your Under spiritual Attack?
-do you feel like you need more prayer Coverage?
-Do you need to develop prayer Partners?
You are not alone!!

Come join the prayer movement and Learn as we grow together

With Pastor Charlie Lujan
More info Call or txt him Direct 512.699.1850

Sunday, February 21, 2016

A show of Force :unity of Prayer

Bishop Phillips is asking all of us Nazarites .,we and anyone else with a disire for  revival in Austin tomorrow Starting at 7pm-8pm join  in  prayer in the Main Sanctuary, come in through the the back door we used for the Biblethon ... Bishop would like to see a Show of Strength and Unity amongst the Prayer warriors. It would be nice if you could shoÔw up.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Month of February 2016

Dear Team,  




Please forgive me for all the date changes to the class schedule.  Due to several functions that PromiseLand is preparing for, our class is having to be postponed, I hope you understand.  

As of today, our next class will begin Wednesday, March 9th, 2016 at 7:00pm.  Hope to see you all there.  The class will cover the “POWER OF SPIRITUAL DISCERNMENT” Do you have it?

You will learn how to practice your Spiritual Discernment, how to sharpen your Gift and why we use it in the Body of Christ.  This will be an advanced class but beginners are surely welcome.




Below are several ways to get updates and stay connected:


FACEBOOK Just add us as a FRIEND here:



FAN PAGE - Just press “LIKE” on our page here:



TWITTER -   you can see prayer request TWEETED, send prayer request and I also TWEET our next class.






MY PERSONAL PHONE # - 512-699-1850  you can call me anytime.





NAZARITE WEBSITE-  Check it out and Subscribe to our blog spot here:

It’s very simple, just add your email in the box.

You will receive an email each time we have a different event.  Be assured we will never sale your email, it is safe and kept private.

Here you can find out “who is who,”  what  the ministry is doing and even download our notes from classes.

Truly, this is the BEST way to stay updated.





Below are two options for me and the ministry to keep in communication with you:



EMAIL - if you prefer this method, please make sure your email handler (settings) are set to receive an email

Otherwise, if the filter is set for SPAM it will reject my email.  If you fail to receive a response, please check your junk and spam folder, it may be in there.   If it’s not in there, please contact me so we can figure out what is going on.  It is important to me that we are receiving each other’s emails.  If you are already receiving my email, you’re good.  J



TEXT MESSAGES - if you prefer receiving Txt Messages, please Txt Message me at 512.699.1850 and let me know to add you to our Txt Message List.  If at some point you do not want to use this method any longer, just Txt back “STOP” and I will, my feelings will not be hurt.  If you are already receiving txt messages, you’re good. J




Add your email, then a verification email will be sent to you to confirm.  Remember you can always un-scribe from the email list.  I don’t spam people. 



I am so glad that you have been coming to my classes or you have been in one of my classes as we journey together and grow in this spiritual path that the Lord has laid before us.  

I love every one of you!






Pastor Charlie

PromiseLand Church




Jeremiah 51:20 ~ "You are my battle-ax and sword," says the LORD. "With you I will shatter nations and destroy many kingdoms.


Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Epic Prayer Event!! Don't miss it!! Join us

Prayer Request Dispatch 01.21.16

Please Leave a comment at the Bottom and let us know your praying. This will Encourage our people that someone took the time to read these prayer Request.

These are Prayer Request from Fellow Nazarites, plz take the time and say a quick Prayer of Agreement

Felix Acosta:
Asking prayer for my mom Sis Acosta, had tightness in her chest is at the hospital. 

Faustino Martinez:
Please pray for my dad Faustino Sr. , he has been in ER for 24 hours needs to be move to ICU, so they can help him breath better and reduce the fluid build up in his legs , he has congestive heart failure and his kidneys are not functioning properly, docs are trying to do what they can do , there is no room in ICU at this time , they are full. Thank you appreciate every single one of you!

Andrea Jansen:
Will you please pray for a past co worker who is in icu and on life support, he is not saved. He needs a touch from the Healer and Savior and Lover of our souls : His name is Manuel Deleon.

Felicia AKHIANYO :
Asking prayer for the famiky of Rachel Cumpian. She passed away this morning from a rate degenerative disease. She was a college student and a lover of God.  

Phillip Mendoza:
Good Evening , I am asking for prayers for my mother in law Yineth in New York. Doctors say She is in the last stages of cancer and is in her final days. But I know my Heavenly Father has the last and final Say. His will be done. I ask for prayers from the NAZARITES. Thank you and God Bless.

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If you have a prayer Request and you need it posted just Email