Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Update: Wed Naz Classes cancelled until Jan2016

Hello everyone, I want to thank everyone that joined our classes these past few months and Made it what it was.... The Holidays are coming Thanksgiving And then our Christmas Production for the this Christmas Season.... PromiseLand University on Wed Nights will start Back up first week In January. 
So for the rest of Novemeber and Decemeber we will not be Having Classes. I will keep everyone inform with updates on the schedule of our Future Nazarite classes of what we will be discussing and Teaching for the Month of  January when we start Back up.... Taking the nxt two months off will fly by quickly. 
Me Personally Enjoyed teaching and will be missing everyone for the next couple of Months , But I can Assure you we will have some great Trainning coming up in January... You can call me ; txt me or email Me anytime if you have any question or have something you need help with LOVE EVERYONE and hope to see you 2016!!!!! 

Pastor Charlie

Tuesday, November 3, 2015