Monday, June 24, 2013

Monday, 24th, 2013

From a Nazarite: Maylene Salazar

Tonight, I felt this in the Spirit.. He showed me Bishop going through chemo, and then he showed me Bishop eating heartily and gaining strength. Then I heard God say, "As he (Bishop) gains strength in the physical, so is he in the spiritual. Rejoice, for you will see my glory.

Last Monday, As we were all praying. God had shown me Bishop bound in chains. From his shoulders down to his legs. Then as we prayed the chains holding him bound started to disintegrate. Starting with his left arm.

Just wanted to share this with you.

PLEASE: note all feed back and comments are appreciated.

Friday, May 3, 2013

To a Christian ; Prayer should not feel like part of your chores

If you have the HolyGhost and you feel like "Praying" are part of your Chores!!! STOP praying cause your Wrong!!!! Check yourself!!!

Prayer is a necessity , an essential, a duty that Christians should embrace with reverence , understanding ,and fervency !.
It's your Duty to fast and Pray!! You should make it a lifestyle!!
a way of life!! Muslims pray 7 times a day !! What the heck and you can't pray one hour in the Holyghost!!!! Jesus rebuked the disciples in the garden cause they couldn't hang one hour of prayer with him when HE needed them most!!!
Don't get a lazy attitude towards praying.
Remember the enemy is constantly prowling and roaming around you never resting . Waiting for you to slip up.

If a Islamic jihadist is passionate about praying and dedicated to blowing himself
All in the Name of GOD.
What about our passion for prayer and dedication to the gospel under persecution !!! You won't be willing to die for the gospel if you can't be passionate to prayer and Fasting for a dying world.
BE real.... Don't be lukewarm , if u have too light your self on fire with some Jesus time and Worship like Crazy till joy fills u up!!!
The Nazarite way!!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Intercessors , be considerate

Hey be considerate ... In a prayer meeting NEVER prayer louder then The ONE leading. It's funny their is always that one prayer warrior that has to always hijack the prayer flow by trying to pray extremely loud and get recognize. Usually that individual doesn't even notice . They are so consumed in themselves with a personal agenda. ..... I do feel like yelling Shut up!!!. But instead I have leaders that know to follow my lead when a situation like this occurs and drown out the intruders voice. Thus putting the ball back into my hands so I can run and get the prayer flow bAck on track. Or IF I have too! grab the persons hand and have a one on one with the individual as the team continues praying . I have no problem protecting the flow of the meeting on my watch.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Dreams From Steve Twirago


I want to share a couple dreams I had a few weeks ago...
what looked similar to a UPS type truck. There were 3-4 explosions. Then I turned around and saw an explosion with what looked like a small and narrow white cloud rising up in the sky. The area began to heat up and I started running smiling, rejoicing and saying something to the extent.... This is the time more than ever to Love the Lord Jesus Christ and rejoice! I was wearing a white shirt and the dream ended. Whether my dream is in correlation to what happened in Boston and West, TXor not, I find the timing interesting as there were two explosions in Boston and one in West.
I also had a dream where I was viewing a city and lot of the building were half missing as if the result of an explosion or something to the extent. Then I gazed out and saw like grey over the horizon and someone asking... what happened to the Sears Tower? Now I used to work in that building. So my dream may correlate to that because I used to live in Chicago but at least the symbolism is interesting. The day ever so approaching...Blessings

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Prayer Walk

Prayer Walking our community before we go conduct an outreach for the lost. We need your faith!! Any NAZARITEs that are willing to help change the atmosphere for this Saturdays out reach please contact Liz Castro , email her at , this prayer walk is for April 12th