Friday, November 30, 2012

Dec 3rd 24hr Prayer Volunteer

PRAYER SERVICE at promiseland Church Monday night for Austin Texas 7-9pm

YOU CAN STILL FILL A SLOT , ANY SLOT. it would be nice if we could have two people more per hour.
This is the ROSTER SO FAR. if i missed your name email or Txt me. YOU can pray any Hour , anywhere! , Make sure you txt me before you start your hour or after you finish. this way we can make sure all 24hrs are being prayed , I will send a email and txt reminder the day Before.
THANK YOU for VOLUNTEERING…Let's pray Revival for this City!

December 3rd
12mid Bobbra Campell / Samantha Jefferson
1am Charlie Lujan
4am jr and Maylane aaIll
5am James Craft
6am LaQuinta Pollard
7am Doris San Miguel / liZ Castro
9am jack Mosley
10am Mary Bottoms
11am Tera Maxwell
12noon Samantha Jefferson / Lea Jefferson
1pm Sarah Cheikho / Dora Fowler
2pm Mandie Pulido
3pm Rose Blackman / Keisha Debnam
4pm Jimmy Mancias
5pm Bishop Phillips
6pm Felicia A.
7-9pm City Wide Prayer Service
9pm Fred Blackman
10pm Norma Orona / Jerry Hullion and Sylvia
11pm-Mid Last Watch Daniel and Julia Lopez

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

1st Monday Prayer NOV5th 2012

First of all i want to thank ALL OF YOU who volunteered 1hr of your time to pray for Austin Texas , THANK YOU!!! Austin Tx will be Blessed Becuase you chose to weep for your CITY and Cry out for our City!!!
It was a honor to Join up with over 20 or more other Churches around our City here in Austin and Pray!!! we will see REVIVAL in AUSTIN Tx , our Watchman at Promisealnd Church are not asleep.
REMEMBER we will be praying the 1st MONDAY of every Month the FULL 24hrs a day from now through the Year of 2013!!
 On NOVEMBER 5th we had over 40 Intercessors Participate in a epic payer event was simple sign up for any hour from Midnight to Midnight and Txt me when you go into your hour and coming out of your Hour. We did this to keep the Integrity of  UNITED PRAYER, kinda like Passing the Baton in a race.
THEN WE ENDED the Day with a POWERFUL PRAYER SERVICE!! can some one give me a comment on this POST and say Amen!!!!! POWERFUL TIME OF PRAYER!!! with PASTOR JONATHAN SUBER!!!! WOW

OUR NEXT 1st Monday Prayer will be DECEMBER 3rd!!!! and i know GOD is going to SHOW UP AGAIN in a very Powerful way!!!! Please if you want to sign up for your Hour of Prayer you can comment on this BLOG at the Bottom and just write me the time you can serve. You will get a Email and a text from me. If i do not have your email leave it in the Comment box below with your name and Number if you do not mind. HELP me fill Dec 3rd up for 24 PRAYER Thank YOU AND SIGN